Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Evening 6/17/11

What an afternoon!!!As you all know from our last post they were doubling up on her Amiodarone to try and break the atrerial flutter. Well that didn't work either so they contacted the adult pacemaker team hear at Shands about another drug that might break it. After much discussion Dr. Fricker decided that she was stable and comfortable with the flutter and they have her on a Heprin Drip to dissolve and/or prevent any blood clots and thought it was better if we didn't rock the boat at this point. Cause all of you that know Rachel well knows she doesn't like her boat rocked. 

About 4:30, 5:00 pm she went in to a tachycardia event and the pacemaker fired and then she went into a short seizure. All the while the cardiology team is standing outside the door because they had just brought a patient up from surgery to the room next to us.  They did an EKG to see what her rhythm was like and the shock from the pacemaker has broken the Atrial Flutter.  She is back in her OWN sinus rhythm instead of being continuously paced (they had lowered the settings on the pacemaker earlier do to the flutter). Both her and her heart seem to like this very well. 

Praise God for a much needed answer to prayer. Praying he will keep us bored until a heart becomes available.  Thank everyone so much for all the prayers, please keep praying . 


Melinda said...

Thank God! That is good news!!

Jennifer said...

Wow...God does things in His time and in His way.

Anonymous said...

That's great news, Tammy. Praying for Rachel to get a new healthy heart soon. In God's time :)

Chris said...

Thank God! I'm thinking no one likes to rock Rachel's boat!!!! Hope all continues on this boring, non-rocking path! Continuing to pray,
Chris, Dave and Jake