Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday 6/7/2011

Having a rough start to the morning. She woke about 6 vomiting and then in the blink of an eye her oxygen levels dropped to the mid to low 80's. She is back on the high flow nasal canular, have started an epi drip, given her an extra dose of lasix and going to transfuse her with 2 units of blood.  They did  a chest x-ray and an abdomen x-ray. The Chest x-ray looks about the same as it has been so thankfully no fluid build up in the lungs. However when fluid it starts to build up the GI tract is one of the first organs to take a hit and they think this is what is going on therefore the extra dose of lasix will hopefully help. The abdomen x-ray was to make sure her feeding tube is still in the intestine and thankfully it is where it should be.

She seems to be resting better now with her oxygen levels staying in the low 90's  with 80% oxygen in through the canular. Praying things improve as the day goes on.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you! Love you all.
Gary abd Merlyn

James Coste said...

May you continue to draw remarkable amounts of strength from the Lord during this time. May His name be glorified.

Unknown said...

Keeping you guys in our prayers.