Monday, June 27, 2011


The latest:  After consulting with the head of the Pediatric Cardiology department, Dr. Fricker, it was decided not to have Rachel go through the procedure under anesthia after all.  They decided to try and "break" her from the atrial-flutter by doubling-up on one of her medications, Amiodarone.  The doctor told us that if upping this particular med did not work, they could add another med to it to see whether or not that does the trick.  He feels that she is doing okay, heart-rate wise, that even if the flutter doesn't break, she should be okay, given all that he has seen this morning.  So, they have started the doubling-up of her med and she seems to be stable for now.
We are SO ready to be "bored" that we can't hardly stand it. 


Anonymous said...

God answered our prayers for Rachel this morning. We love you all.

Gary and Merlyn

Chris said...

We will pray for boredom! Love you guys!

Chris, Dave and Jake!