Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday or Day 2 with new heart

Quick update.  Rachel continues to progress in her recovery.  They may even take two of the three chest tubes out later today.  She sat-up in the bed for a total of an hour which helped dumped out some of the fluid into the chest tubes.  She is more alert and awake and she hasn't had to have a whole lot of medication for pain.
She did run a slight fever of around 100.4 during the night and she is currently being treated for a bacteria infection; hoever, these are not uncommon after such a major surgery.  Both the surgeon and the team of doctors aren't too worried about the fever/infection at this point and if they aren't worried, we aren't worried.
Yesterday, she wanted to see her incision so Tammy took a picture of it and showed it to her in which Rachel gave a thumbs-up! 
Please continue to pray for the recovery to go as it is suppose to and also keep a little boy name Noah in your prayers as he is waiting for his new heart and also a little 4 1/2 month baby girl.

1 comment:

James Coste said...

So glad that she continues to progress. Thanks again for the details. It really does help us understand just how she is doing.

Praise Jesus for her improvement!