Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 6 with a new heart (afternoon update)

Just got back from the Fluro swallow study and it was decided to give Rachel another few days, maybe a week or so, before she can eat and.or drink anything for now.  Since she had the breathing tube in for a little over two months, the drink and food that they had her take, wasn't going down the vocal cords rahter going into the lungs, which would in turn, cause her to aspirate.  So, they plan to do some exercises with her to strengthened the vocal cords and they will take her back down for another study at a later date.  This isn't totally unexpected and we experienced this after her last surgery five years ago.   

So, for now, the sweet-tea party is on hold.

1 comment:

Rosanna said...

So glad to hear she is doing well. Can't wait for the Sweet Tea Party!