Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday evening

Hard to believe that this time last week we got "the call" that a donor heart had become available for Rachel.  Now, six days later, she looks amazing!  No more chest tubes as of today and no more IJ line (a line that was in her neck).  She has definitely had a good day today despite the setback from the swallow study, but, we know we will get there in time with that issue.
It seems like it has been a whirlwind since last Monday that we haven't really had the opportunity to stop and think abour the donor family.  Our hearts are grateful to the donor and the family for their gift of life.  We can't imagine the anguish and grief that the family is going through during this difficult time but we hope that they can take comfort that the generous donation helped save the life of our little girl.  Words will never be enough to thank this family.
Also, while we have been blessed with the gift of life, too many times here in the PICU, we see so many families having to deal with heartbreak and sadness, such as today, unfortunately.  Please say a prayer for all of the families that are here in the PICU and for their little ones.  This is a place where miracles happen all the time but unfortunately also very much sadness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We finally have our power back after Helen and I was able to check up on Rachel. I have told my friends who were praying for her that she had a new heart and they were all saying that their prayers were answered.Love and hugs.