Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday morning

Here is what we learned late last evening.  Basically, Rachel hass poor heart function right now.  The right side has always been rather weak but the function has been compensated by the left side which has always been pretty good.  Now, due to the stress of surgery, the left side is also weak makng the total heart function poor.
Yesterday, during the rounds, the critical care doctors decided the re-start her on a medication called Enalpril, to help the heart function.  She had been on this med before surgery but since surgery, the surgeon took her off of it, due to it lowering the diastolic pressure in her blood pressure.  The thought about re-starting the med was that it would help make her heart not have to work as hard.  But during his rounds yesterday evening, the surgeon wanted her off of it b/c it was lowering the diastolic reading in her blood pressure.  He said that if the diastolic pressure got to low, it would then cause major problems, so he discontinued it.
So now the dilema is what to do for the heart function.  Most of the meds that can be given for heart function cause the blood pressure to drop but at the same time, something has to be done to help her heart function to make her feel better overall.  So for now, all the doctors have to get together to figure out what to do next.
Also, the surgeon's assistant said that the infection/fungus that developed in her airway could be causing her body to work even harder to try and beat back the infection/fungus and that it can't devote itself all to the heart. 
Very frustrating having to wait while they try and figure out how to solve the problem.  We know in time that they will get it fugured out but of course, we want it fixed now.


Chris said...

We will see you guys this afternoon/evening. Sorry to hear about the frustrations you've been facing. Just remember you are in our prayers and although we all want Rachel better now, it is in His hands on His time. The Huttos and Darnells have gotten bags together for you guys and I believe others will be bringing them over before we leave. Hopefully, they will get you by for a while. You are all loved and in prayers!

Sandra said...

we are all praying for each of you, And know that it is in Gods hands.

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry you are all experiencing such frustrations. please continue to have faith and know that God will take care of it all. i will continue to pray for all of you. please let me know if there is anything that you need. rhonda