Monday, May 2, 2011

A little progress

Finally, some pretty good news.  They have decided to remove all three of the chest tubes!  They believe that this will allow her to breath more deeply and she will definitely rest more comfortably without big 'ol garden hose type tubes coning out of her abdomen area.  Also, the surgeon is encouraged hy the progess being made with the breathing tube and he believes they can "lower the numbers" on the ventillator.  He also said that he almost certain that the fever is due to inflammation.  And finally, the best news is that she has said, or written down on a piece of paper, that SHE IS HUNGERY!!!!  Can you believe it???  Currently, she is getting her nutrition (Pedia-Sure) by an IV but she wants to eat something.  When I asked her what she wantedm she said a Hardee's ThickBurger combo meal......wait a minute, that was me.  She wants a popsicle and sweet ttea.


James Coste said...

Love it! Eat, Rachel, eat!

Anonymous said...

that is wonderful news! get that girl whatever she wants to eat!! still praying for you all. i hope you all start to get some good rest. rhonda