A busy last two days. Yesterday it was downstairs for the doctors to put in the port and the GJ tube. This morning, she had a visit to the ENT doctor. He did a bronchoscope (sure I know how to spell it, I just choose not too) which revealed that her left vocal cord is still paralyzed (which we already knew) but her right vocal cord isn't moving as much as he had anticipated. He said that he would like to repeat the procedure in about 6-8 weeks to see whether or not it has improved. He did say that sometimes, given a period of time, the vocal cords can heal on their own, and that is what he is hoping will happen here.
He did say that continued vocalization and swallowing exercises would help build the vocal cords and compared it to someone lifting weights to build muscle; she has to build up the vocal cords. He had considered a procedure where he could go in and "fatten" up the left vocal cord with an injection but with the right cord not working properly, he is worried that it could effect her breathing so he wants to give it some time before he rushes in to anything.
She is still sore in her abdomen from where they put the GJ tube so she got to skip a trip to the gym today. She does not usually ask for pain medicine but she did yesterday and after having to move around this morning, she asked for it again.
During rounds this morning, the doctors mentioned about trying to get her down to the cath-lab for her second biopsy on Tuesday of next week. Depending on the outcome of the biopsy, and with the port and GJ tube in place, we might be discharged next week.
Speaking of being discharged, Rachel's friend, Emily, is being discharged tomorrow. Her and her mom will stay in town for a period of time as well but at least she will be out of the hospital. So happy for them.
Also, please continue to pray for Noah and Ella and their parents as they wait to get the call about their new hearts.
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